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Tips Round-Up (Premium)
18 Oct
cmc markets dl london city broker analyst analysts
Sunday share tips: Deliveroo, CMC Markets

Deliveroo's debut on the stockmarket was a flop and investors now need to gauge just how much risk they are willing to take on, or hold onto if they took part in the share sale, said the Financial Mail on Sunday's Midas column.

18 Oct
notes pound dl bank of england pounds finance fx sterling
Sunday share tips: Dr Martens, Ricardo

The Sunday Times's Sam Chambers advised readers to "avoid" shares of Dr Martens, cautioning of the potential long-term pitfalls of its current focus on profitability.

18 Oct
dl london westminster houses of parliament government law
Sunday share tips: Softcat, Tesco

The Sunday Times's Sabah Meddings conceded that Softcat had done well out of the pandemic, but told readers the shares were only a 'hold' given their "punchy" valuation.

18 Oct
sse dl energy renewable power climate uk
Sunday share tips: Foresight Group, Flutter Entertainment

The Financial Mail on Sunday's Midas column called readers' attention to shares of Foresight Group, pointing out the company's long-track record in the renewable energy space, solid management and hence its long-term potential.