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Financial Diary
26 May
Week ahead: Election polls, US jobs data in focus

In all likelihood, the market spotlight next week will be on the poll results in the run-up to the 8 June elections which may stoke heavy volatility in foreign exchange markets.

21 May
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Week ahead: Greece, euro area in focus

The market spotlight will shift back towards the euro area this week, with finance ministers from the single currency bloc set to decide whether or not to grant debt relief to Greece at their meeting on Monday.

12 May
downing street, politics, parliament, london, pm, prime minister
Week ahead: Elections, CPI and employment data in focus

Barring surprises, it appears that it will be all about elections again next week, with the main political parties set to publish their manifestos ahead of the June vote.

05 May
boe bank of england mpc city committee monetary policy
Week ahead: Will the MPC turn more hawkish (on Thursday)?

Should the Bank of England bring forward the date of its expected first hike in Bank Rate? Investors will hopefully have the answer to that question resolved after this week's Monetary Policy Committee meeting and Inflation Report.