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27 Nov
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No country can win a trade war - China vice premier

China’s vice premier has told an economic conference in Germany that no country can emerge victorious from a trade war.

27 Nov
Fed's Clarida says distance to neutral on interest rates is "a matter of judgement"

The US central bank's second top-ranking official sounded a positive note on the outlook for the American economy and inflation, but didn't come off quite as 'dovish' as when he last spoke.

27 Nov
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Apple resumes falls as Trump threatens to impose tariffs on mobile phones

Apple has become the latest company to be embroiled in the simmering tensions between the US and China, after President Donald Trump said tariffs could be placed on mobile phones and laptops made in China.

27 Nov
trump shrug
Trump claims Brexit deal could hinder plans for US-UK trade pact

President Donald Trump has said that Theresa May’s Brexit deal was "good for the EU" and could jeopardise Britain’s ability to strike a trade agreement with the US.