Unite Group - Overview

Unite Students is the UK's largest owner, manager and developer of purpose-built student accommodation serving the country's world-leading Higher Education sector. Our people are driven by a common purpose: to provide a 'Home for Success' for the students who live with us and to be the most trusted brand in the sector. We do this through quality service, quality people and quality properties, all designed on the basis of an excellent insight into students' needs and preferences.

Registrars: Computershare Investor Services PLC

Key Personnel

CEO: Joe Lister
CFO: Michael Burt
Chairman: Richard N L Huntingford
Non-Executive Director: Angela Jain, Tom Jackson
Senior Independent Director: Nicky Dulieu
Independent Non-Executive Director: Steve Smith, Ross Paterson, Ilaria del Beato, Dame Shirley Pearce DBE

Contact Details

Address: South Quay House, Temple Back, Bristol, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 117 302 7000
Fax: +44 (0) 117 302 7400
Website: http://www.unitegroup.com/
