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Small Caps News
dl lbg media aim youth digital publishing advertising technology logo
LBG Media finance chief permanently steps down

Online content publisher LBG Media confirmed on Thursday that chief financial officer Richard Jarvis has stepped down and left the business with immediate effect.

dl oracle power aim natural resources developer green hydrogen project logo
Oracle set to restart drilling at Northern Zone gold project

Oracle Power said on Thursday that it is set to restart drilling at its Northern Zone gold project in Western Australia, with a new campaign scheduled to begin in March.

dl gattaca aim science technology engineering medical stem recruitment recruiter staffing specialist logo
Gattaca delivers 'robust' H1 performance

Staffing business Gattaca said on Thursday that it had delivered a "robust performance" in the six months ended 31 January, in line with expectations.

dl ecr minerals aim victoria australia gold mining exploration development production miner logo
ECR Minerals reports keen interest in sale of Aussie tax losses

ECR Minerals said in an update on Thursday that it remains in advanced discussions with Octo Holdings regarding the proposed sale of its wholly-owned subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia (MGA), which holds its accumulated Australian tax losses.

dl conroy gold and natural resources plc aim basic materials basic resources precious metals and mining gold mining logo 20230323
Conroy Gold flags significant progress at Discs of Gold project

Conroy Gold reported significant progress in its ‘Discs of Gold’ project in Ireland on Thursday, with its re-logging programme at Clontibret well advanced and the construction of a 3D geological model underway.

dl avingtrans plc aim industrials industrial goods and services industrial engineering machinery industrial logo 20230222
Avingtrans subsidiary wins new HS2 supply contract

Critical components manufacturer Avingtrans said on Thursday that its Booth Industries subsidiary had secured a new £4. 5m contract to supply pressure-rated fire doors for HS2.

dl thruvision aim people screening security technology supplier logo
Thruvision still seeking suitor as it slashes revenue guidance

Security scanning technology specialist Thruvision lowered its revenue guidance for the financial year ending 31 March on Thursday, as key contract opportunities were now expected to start in the next financial year.

dl oriole resources aim mining drilling gold metals exploration company logo
Oriole completes fifth phase of drilling at Bibemi

Oriole Resources announced on Thursday that it has completed its phase five drilling programme at the Bibemi gold project in Northern Cameroon, where joint venture partner BCM International was earning an increased interest through exploration funding.

dl empire metals aim copper gold exploration development western australia pitfield mining miner mine logo
Empire Metals progresses flowsheet development for Pitfield Project

Empire Metals reported progress in developing a processing flowsheet for its Pitfield Project in Western Australia on Thursday, with test work confirming the viability of extracting high-grade titanium dioxide from the mineralised weathered cap.

dl falcon oil and gas ltd aim falcon oil gas energy oil gas and coal oil crude producers logo 20221223
Falcon Oil reports progress on Beetaloo stimulation campaign

Falcon Oil & Gas updated the market on its stimulation campaign in the Beetaloo Sub-basin of Australia’s Northern Territory on Thursday, where it is working alongside joint venture partner Tamboran B2.

dl itm power aim electrolysis hydrogen gigafactory energy clean technology logo
ITM Power signs new NEPTUNE V supply contract

Energy storage and clean fuel business ITM Power said on Thursday that it has signed a new contract to supply four of its NEPTUNE V units to multi-energy producer La Française de l'Energie.

dl applied nutrition logo generic 20240220 1525
Applied Nutrition trades ahead of guidance in H125

Supplements business Applied Nutrition said on Thursday that its H125 financial performance was ahead of guidance issued at the time of its IPO.

12 Feb
dl ixico aim clinical ai artificial intelligence research logo
Ixico upbeat on breakthrough with AI imaging platform

Ixico announced further validation of its AI-driven imaging platform IXIQ. Ai in Huntington’s disease (HD) research on Wednesday, through its collaboration with the Huntington’s Disease Imaging Harmonisation (HD-IH) consortium.

12 Feb
dl goldstone resources aim mining exploration development gold recious metals logo
Goldstone announces record gold pour at Homase Mine

Goldstone Resources announced a record gold pour of 16. 253 kilograms, or 522 ounces, on Wednesday, at its Homase Mine in Ghana on 10 February.

12 Feb
dl helium one global aim helium exploration development rukwa logo
Helium One reports progress at Jackson-31 well

Helium One updated the market on the Jackson-31 well at the Galactica Project in Colorado on Wednesday, where it holds a 50% working interest alongside Blue Star Helium.

12 Feb
dl 80 mile plc 80m basic materials basic resources industrial metals and mining nonferrous metals aim bluejay mining logo 20240909 1305
80 Mile updates financing initiatives for Hydrogen Valley

80 Mile updated the market on financing initiatives for Hydrogen Valley, in which it holds a 24% stake with an option to acquire full ownership, on Wednesday.

12 Feb
dl oxford biodynamics plc obd health care healthcare pharmaceuticals and biotechnology biotechnology aim logo 20231003 1040
Oxford BioDynamics signs distribution deal with Romania healthcare provider

Oxford BioDynamics announced on Wednesday that it has signed a distribution agreement with Regina Maria, Romania’s largest private healthcare provider, to offer its EpiSwitch PSE and CiRT blood tests to physicians and patients across the country.

12 Feb
dl mti wireless edge aim defence government technology provider logo
MTI Wireless Edge receives 'significant repeat order' from Israeli client

Technology firm MTI Wireless Edge said on Wednesday that its antenna division has received "a significant repeat order" from a system house in Israel for the manufacture of military antennas.

12 Feb
dl gelion plc geln industrials industrial goods and services electronic and electrical equipment electrical components aim logo 20231121 1427
Gelion makes breakthrough with Gen 3 sulfur cathode tech

Gelion announced a key breakthrough in its Gen 3 sulfur cathode technology on Wednesday, confirming its viability for use in full solid-state battery applications.

12 Feb
dl aoti inc aoti health care healthcare medical equipment and services medical equipment advanced oxygen therapy inc aim logo 20250212 1448
AOTI expecting higher revenue, bigger margins in 2024 results

Medical technology specialist AOTI said in an update on Wednesday that it expected revenue for the year ended 31 December to exceed $58. 1m, reflecting growth of more than 32% from the prior year’s $43. 9m.