Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
27-Feb-24  Buy Katie Bickerstaffe 241.61p 62 £149.80
29-Jan-24  Buy Katie Bickerstaffe 255.50p 59 £150.75
12-Jan-24  Buy Dividends Katie Bickerstaffe 261.96p 14 £36.68
27-Dec-23  Buy Katie Bickerstaffe 271.32p 55 £149.23
11-Dec-23  Sell Stuart Machin 259.30p 23,686 £61,416.85

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
06-Jul-23  Sell Stuart Machin 190.18p 220,095 £418,576.68
06-Jul-23  Sell Katie Bickerstaffe 190.18p 176,076 £334,861.34
19-Jun-23  Sell Katie Bickerstaffe 189.10p 94,894 £179,444.56
08-Nov-23  Buy Cheryl Potter 247.00p 50,000 £123,500.00
11-Dec-23  Sell Stuart Machin 259.30p 23,686 £61,416.85

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Stuart Machin 1,013,328 £2,649,852.73
Katie Bickerstaffe 502,202 £1,313,258.23
Archie Norman 148,600 £388,589.00
Justin Matthew King 64,000 £167,360.00
Evelyn Bourke 50,000 £130,750.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Ameriprise Financial, Inc 101,086,559 £264,341,352.75
Citadel LLC and its group 97,679,549 £255,432,021.57
RWC Asset Management LLP 97,433,541 £254,788,710.64
Schroders plc 93,880,279 £245,496,930.48
Majedie Asset Management Limited 81,070,667 £211,999,794.98
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.