Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
22-Sep-23  Buy Jo Boydell 115.00p 8,593 £9,881.95
21-Sep-23  Buy Loraine Martins 114.00p 10,888 £12,412.32
21-Sep-23  Buy Alison Hutchinson 114.00p 21,777 £24,825.78
21-Sep-23  Buy John Fallon 108.00p 36,858 £39,806.64
21-Sep-23  Buy John Fallon 112.00p 35,525 £39,788.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
21-Sep-23  Buy John Fallon 108.00p 36,858 £39,806.64
21-Sep-23  Buy John Fallon 112.00p 35,525 £39,788.00
21-Sep-23  Buy Alison Hutchinson 114.00p 21,777 £24,825.78
21-Sep-23  Buy Steve Johnson 111.00p 18,000 £19,980.00
21-Sep-23  Buy Loraine Martins 114.00p 10,888 £12,412.32

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Tim Stacey 692,249 £804,393.30
Steve Johnson 122,666 £142,537.88
John Fallon 109,241 £126,938.04
Alison Hutchinson 69,833 £81,145.94
Loraine Martins 38,687 £44,954.29
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
N.Y. Nominees Limited 25,661,259 £29,818,381.44
Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate 23,514,673 £27,324,048.64
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited 23,195,321 £26,952,961.63
Adriana S.A. 21,960,922 £25,518,590.07
Franklin Templeton Fund Management Ltd 19,524,928 £22,687,965.18
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.