Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
28-Mar-24  Buy Nancy Cruickshank $198.47 377 $61,700.07
27-Mar-24  Sell Peter Jackson 15,784.80p 21,688 £3,423,406.92
14-Nov-23  Buy Holly Keller Koeppel 12,651.92p 1,000 £126,519.20
05-May-23  Buy Nancy Dubuc 15,384.59p 258 £39,692.24
03-May-23  Buy John Bryant 15,607.17p 5,070 £791,283.60

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
03-May-23  Sell Peter Jackson 15,587.98p 29,098 £4,535,789.28
27-Mar-24  Sell Peter Jackson 15,784.80p 21,688 £3,423,406.92
03-May-23  Buy John Bryant 15,607.17p 5,070 £791,283.60
14-Nov-23  Buy Holly Keller Koeppel 12,651.92p 1,000 £126,519.20
28-Mar-24  Buy Nancy Cruickshank $198.47 377 $61,700.07

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Richard Charles Flint 24,134 £3,604,413.05
John Bryant 5,070 £757,204.53
Peter Jackson 4,352 £649,971.23
Alfred F. Hurley Jr 2,960 £442,076.02
David Lazzarato 2,708 £404,439.82
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
The Capital Group Companies Inc. 28,434,963 £4,246,761,897.60
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 24,462,076 £3,653,411,199.90
Caledonia (Private) Investments Pty Limited 17,061,452 £2,548,127,960.33
Parvus Asset Management (UK) LLP 12,663,614 £1,891,310,828.19
BlackRock Inc 8,748,339 £1,306,564,483.05
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.