Hansteen Holdings - Overview

Hansteen Holdings is a European industrial real estate investment trust. It specialises in buying undervalued portfolios, often with high levels of vacancy or other opportunities to add value. It looks for opportunities across Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and the UK. The company applies an intensive programme of improvement using its local management teams, and then sells to realise the value added. The company was launched on AIM in 2005.


Key Personnel

Finance Director: Richard Lowes
Non-Executive Director: David Rough
Non-Executive Chairman: Melvyn Egglenton
Joint CEO: Ian Richard Watson, Morgan Lewis Jones
Independent Non-Executive Director: Jim Clarke

Contact Details

Address: 1st Floor, Pegasus House, 37-43 Sackville Street, London,United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 207 408 7000
Fax: +44 (0) 207 408 7001
Website: http://www.hansteen.co.uk
