UK preparing post-Brexit trade team to deal with disputes


Sharecast News | 02 Aug, 2017

Theresa May’s government is preparing to set up a team to resolve trade disputes post-Brexit as the UK leaves the European Union.

Britain is likely to leave the EU customs union following its departure from the bloc, either immediately or as part of a transitional period agreed between both sides.

To be known as the ‘UK Trade Remedies Organisation’, it would form part of the Department for International Trade, allowing the government to regain more control over its trading issues.

Trade disputes are currently dealt with by the EU as part of its wider responsibility for negotiating deals with states outside of its remit.

The EU has already said that the UK would be at the back of the queue for negotiating a trade deal with its European neighbours post-Brexit, while others have talked up speedy agreements with Britain, including Washington.

The government has already begun advertising roles in the new team, which it expects to have operating by March 2018.

"We need to develop the UK's approach to tackling allegations of unfair competition and build the capability and capacity to investigate complaints and enforce the rules," one of the adverts said.

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