United Nations to send $415m to Nepal


Sharecast News | 29 Apr, 2015

Updated : 16:00

The United Nations (UN) launched a $415m urgent appeal on Wednesday to help an estimated 8m people affected by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on 25 April and the strong aftershocks that followed the quake.

Official figures showed over 5,000 people were killed and more than 10,000 injured, although the country's government said on Tuesday that the death toll could rise to 10,000.

This inter-governmental organisation calculated that 2.8m people had been displaced as a result of the catastrophe, 4.2m were in urgent need of water and 3.5m need of food assistance.

Read more: UK sends £5m help to Nepal in earthquake aftermath

The Foreign Office confirmed on Wednesday that a non-resident British national was among those killed.

Foreign Affairs Minister Albert Hammond chaired a meeting of the country's emergency committee to discuss its aid operations in the Himalayan country and launched an appeal for donations.

Hammond also announced on his twitter account that 11 tonnes of aid were being sent to Katmandu.

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