David Cameron calls for "course correction" by Western leaders


Sharecast News | 09 Dec, 2016

Updated : 14:26

Former Prime Minister David Cameron has called on Western leaders to take steps to take care of those who have been left behind by globalisation in his first major speech since his resignation.

He spoke at DePauw University in Indiana for an event called "The Historic Events of 2016 and Where We Go From Here" .

“That somehow globalisation isn't working for everybody, was at the heart of the Brexit decision and also I think I'm sure a very big issue in your election,” said Cameron.

Cameron described the Brexit vote, Donald Trump's election in the US and the referendum in Italy as a "movement of unhappiness".

He went on to say that the rise of populism cost him his job but defended his decision to hold the referendum as it was “poisoning” British politics.

“Ultimately, how 2016 goes down in history will depend on what political leaders do next. That’s why I have tried to make a very clear argument, which is that if they put their heads in the sand and say, ‘Well this will pass and we’ll just carry on the way we are,’ then 2016 will be seen as a real watershed.”

In his speech, the ex-Prime Minister suggested policies including a higher minimum wage and tax cuts for low-income workers.

"I think if that response is right, 2016 will be seen as a moment of course correction rather than a moment of fundamental change. But if leaders don't take that approach - perhaps particularly in Europe - then it could go down as something quite different."

With regards to the European Union, he said that he did not think other members would follow Britain’s lead and leave the trading bloc but warned that he had fears for the future of the euro.

"I think there does come a time when some countries will think we've had no growth for too long, and they will start to question the way this currency works and whether it's working in their interests."

It is uncertain whether Cameron was paid for his speech. Former chancellor George Osborne has been reported to have earned more than £500,000 from lectures and appearances since leaving office.

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